Try it with Gravity?

One Micro:bit Connected via USB and one on Battery Pack

Sender Microbit:
    show "Gravity Sender"
    set radio group to #

    radio send number acceleration strength
    //strength combines x, y and z dimensions into one value

Can we collect the data and "see it" on the computer? The serial write value block can send pieces of data back to the computer (if it is connected through a USB)

Receiver Micro:bit
    Gravity Receiver
    set radio group  to #

on radio received number
    serial write value "gravity" = receivedNumber

With the micro:bit code downloaded from the MakeCode app to the micro:bit and the USB cable connected it will start receiving data from the first micro:bit. Under the simulator in the app a purple outlined button shows up Show data Device.

So CAREFULLY toss and catch your micro:bit and the analyze the data

You should see a download button in the top right hand corner of the box - this will allow you to download and save the last 20 seconds of recorded data as a CSV file.

The CSV file may open directly into a spreadsheet. If it does NOT then find your downloads file and you should see a file titled data.csv

Last updated